What is an Internship?

An internship is a professional learning experience. It gives you practical skills, and greater knowledge of an industry. An internship can give you a real insight into the world of work, allowing you to build on the theory you learned at university and helping you to gain practical skills that will help strengthen your CV and make you more employable.

In short, internships can help you figure out what you want to do with your career and then make it easier to land your first full-time job in that industry.

In the past few years it’s become increasingly common for college students to have a paid or unpaid internship by the time they graduate. To be competitive in the workforce and give yourself a leg up in the job search after graduation, it’s more necessary than ever to apply for meaningful internships. an internship is on-the-job work experience that is either related to your career interests or current field of study. Internships can be paid or unpaid, and can take place during the academic year or during the summer. All internships are short-term but can last anywhere from a single week to a full year. Most internships function as training opportunities and some, especially ones that take place during the school year, can be research projects where a professor or a company wants a student to study a new topic of interest. Not every internship is the same, and what you do day to day can vary widely depending on the company. What’s most important is to understand what you’re going to get out of an internship and to check if that aligns with your career goals. Some may give you more hands-on experience and others may provide a chance to shadow key executives or take part in weekly meetings.

Finally, got the Job!